Thursday, 4 December 2014

Heading South

Beginning to head south again now...

From Etosha, we head towards Khorixas to stay at the iGowati Lodge in the centre of the (very) small town...

On the way we take a detour to see an amazing rock that stands alone in a wide valley, once a great river, long since gone. Presumably harder than the surrounding rock so it didn't erode..but it looks like sandatone to me... After getting the motorhomes there we climb to the rock in 37 degree heat....but what a view. Brilliant. Intrepid travellers we are indeed.

We visit a museum and see a piece of farm equipment made in Earls Colne (near to our UK home)...  out here in Africa for goodness sake. Wierd.

We finish the day with another braai with friends...and a bottle.

Moving further south to Uis, our journey becomes a little more taxing as the roads change into sandy, unsurfaced tracks that are periodically scraped to remove the mysterious ridges that always appear. These washboard roads can be traversed at around 60 km/hr unless the ridges suddenly get deeper or change width as so often happens.... then the vibration changes to violent shaking and slowing down rapidly is the only sensible  course of's maximum concentration though.

We travel as a four-van mini convoy for safety today.. and also because we want to see the same things.... like minded and all that.

...So we carefully drive the washboards to see the petrified forest, 6000 year old scrapings on sandstone, basalt columns known as the 'organ pipes'  and  anomolous volcanic remains (Burned Mountain) before we head for fuel and camp, hot and tired, ready for our communal meal. Which was good by the way.

African proverb to explain the restaurant service...

Let's climb that famous landmark..

Magic... mad English people

Very frightened wood..How does that happen?

Spot the 6000 year old drawings

Bobo adventuring...that's Charles in front (without air-con)

I think we got the maximum out of that day...


  1. Your obviously having a fantastic time, and the blog and pictures are making us very envious, especially as it's turned cold here. I hope you remembered to pack a jumper for your return to the UK.

    P.S. Thanks for the Christmas card - the first one we've received this year!

  2. Ah! Hope you're impressed by the Christmas card planning...although I hope we haven't forgotten anyone..bit of a rush before we went.

    We have jumpers and, believe it or not, I was wearing a fleece yesterday. Will explain in the next post.
